Behind the barrel blog

The whisky industry is constantly evolving, and with so many long-standing traditions, there is always something to discuss.

We are proud to introduce our new blog that we have named Behind the Barrel. This blog is an outlet for us to talk about emerging consumer trends, the status of our whisky batches, and ways to discuss how we plan to disrupt this history-steeped industry.

Factoid: Whisky (or Whiskey) is primarily made in Scotland, Ireland, Canada, India, Japan and the United States. The word “whisky” comes from the Gaelic word “uisge” which means “water”.

Yellow Branding Line Whisky
revolutionizing whisky production techniques

Innovative Whisky Distillation Practices

Think of it like a top-tier chef playing with new tastes. The whisky distillation scene is buzzing with fresh ideas. I've noticed how unique casks, ...
whiskey as an investment

Whiskey Collecting as a Strategic Investment

Whiskey, it's not just for sipping on a cold winter's night or toasting to good health. Believe it or not, it can also double as ...
scotch whisky s global popularity

The Global Appeal of Scotch Whisky

Let's take a trip, you and I, through the misty peat bogs of Islay, over the verdant hills of Speyside, and all the way to ...
whiskey cask investment services

Whiskey Cask Storage and Investment Management

If you've ever savored a sip of whiskey, you know it's a drink steeped in centuries-old traditions of distillation and craftsmanship. Investing in whiskey casks ...
whisky value and aging

Aging's Impact on Whisky Value

You might think a baby and a bottle of whisky have nothing in common, but they do: both increase in value as they age. I've ...
emerging whiskey distilleries thrive

Rising Stars New Whiskey Distilleries

Whiskey, with its cozy warmth and intriguing complexity, has long been the domain of well-established distilleries. Their methods, while tried and tested, have laid down ...
analyzing whisky s investment potential

Whisky Flavor Profiles and Their Investment Merits

The realm of whisky may seem mysterious, filled with the allure of smoky peat bogs and aged oak barrels. However, it's not just for those ...
limited edition whiskey investment

Investing in Limited Edition Whiskeys

Ever thought about morphing your love for whiskey into a profitable venture? It's a thought I've entertained for years, and the answer is a resounding ...
whisky industry s economic trends

Economic Trends in the Whisky Industry

Are you wondering if the whisky industry is really booming right now? Well, let me share some insights with you. I've been crunching numbers and ...
analyzing whiskey labels for investment potential

Decoding Whiskey Labels for Investment Insight

You know, it hit me the other night, as I was enjoying the last mouthful of an exceptional single malt. A whiskey label is like ...